Forum Builder
You will use the Forum Builder tool to create, edit and reorganize your forum layout. The Forum Builder is used with both category and forum modifications. Forum categories allow you to group multiple forums together. If you are running your board with multiple forums, categories make it easier for users to filter thru to what they are looking for easier.
- Adding a Category
- Category Name : This is the primary name shown for the category
- Category Description (optional) : An optional sub-title to be used with the forum category.
- Deleting a Category
- You can only delete a category if it does not contain any forums.
- You will find categories that can be deleted in the Forum Categories Without Forums section.
- Click on the "DELETE CATEGORY" button to remove the category permanently.
- You will be prompted to confirm your category deletion.
- Re-ordering Categories
- You can change the category ordering by locating the Move Category section in the category you want to move and click on the
or image.
- You can only change the order of the category if it has forums contained within. Categories without forums are not shown on the live forum board.
- Adding a Forum : Select the forum category from the available and use the included Add a Forum form included.
- Forum Name : Simple.... the name of the forum
- Forum Description : What is the forum to be used for? What is the purpose?
- Access Permission :
- Public : Guests can see the forum. All registered can post and view.
- Registered : Guests do not see the forum. All registered can post and view.
- Private : Only assigned users will be able to see and post to the forum.
- NOTE : If you assign 'Private' access to a new forum, your account will be the only account given access by default. You must add permission for additional users using the 'Private Forum Access' tool.
- Posting Permission : Select who can post in the forum.
- All can post & reply
- Moderators can post, Users can reply
- Moderators can post, Users cannot reply
- Re-ordering a Forum
- You can change the order by locating the
or images to the left of the forum name.
- Editing a Forum
- Click on the "EDIT" link to the right of the forum name.
- You can choose from the same options as when Adding a Forum
- You can move the forum to a different category by selecting from the available categories in the forum drop listing.
- Deleting a Forum
- Click on the "DELETE" link to the right of the forum name.
- You will be prompted to confirm your forum deletion.
- NOTE : This will PERMANENTLY delete all posts contained within the forum being deleted!
Using the emoticon tool, you can add, edit and remove emoticon replacements. Available emoticons must be located in the '/(forum root)/emoticons/' folder on your site. Emoticons that are available in the folder, but not available for use will be located in the lower table (you might need to scroll down depending on the number of active emoticons). The default code replacement is the name of the image wrapped by colon's (e.g. :smile:).
- Enabling new emoticons
- Locate the 'Inactive Emoticon' listing at the bottom of the page.
- Locate the emoticon image you want to enable and click on the 'ENABLE' link to the right of the image.
- Editing emoticons
- Click on the 'EDIT' link to the right of the active emoticon.
- Edit the 'Code Replacement' (the text the user will type in their message to be replaced).
- Edit the 'Alt tag text' (the text shown when a user holds their cursor over the image).
- Click on the 'Update Emoticon' button.
- Cloning emoticons (allows for multiple text replacement codes for a single image)
- Click on the 'CLONE' link to the right of the active emoticon.
- Edit the 'Code Replacement' (the text the user will type in their message to be replaced).
- Edit the 'Alt tag text' (the text shown when a user holds their cursor over the image).
- Click on the 'Clone Emoticon' button.
- Disabling emoticons
- Locate the emoticon in the 'Active Emoticon' table.
- Click on the 'DISABLE' link to the right of the image.
Avatars, when chosen by a user, will appear below their name on their forum postings (unless using a modified thread template). Avatars are must be located in the '/(forum root)/avatar/' folder on your site. DO NOT DELETE the 'blank.gif' image in the avatar folder, it is used in the form as a placeholder image!
- Enabling Avatars
- Locate the avatar you want to enable in the 'Inactive Avatars' listing.
- Click on the avatar to enable it.
- Disabling Avatars
- Locate the avatar you want to enable in the 'Inactive Avatars' listing.
- Click on the avatar to enable it.
- NOTE : Any users who were using the avatar that was just disabled will have their personal avatar removed.
Private Forum Access
Using the 'Private Forum Access' tool you can easily add or remove users to forums that are marked as 'Private'.
Thread Pruning
'Thread Pruning' is used to clean up forum postings that did not have any follow-up reply messages posted to them. NOTE : This tool DELETE'S the posts that are selected. These posts can only be recovered from a previous database backup (you are backing up your database right?).
- Thread Pruning :
- Select the forum or 'All Forums' from the drop listing depending on what you where you want to prune.
- Select the minimum age of the postings and click on the 'GO' button.
- You will be notified of the number of posts about to be deleted. If you are satisfied with the pending results, click on the 'CONTINUE' button to prune the forums selected.
Sticky Thread
'Sticky Threads' are thread messages that are locked to the top of the forum, preceeding all other posts regardless of the last post date.
- Using the 'Sticky Thread' tool
- Select the forum containing the thread you want to stick or unstick.
- To make a thread 'sticky' select it from the upper subject drop listing and click on the 'MAKE STICKY' button.
- To stop a thread from being 'sticky' select it from the lower subject drop listing and click on the 'UNSTICK' button.
Move A Thread
From time to time people might start a thread in the wrong forum. Using the 'Move A Thread' tool you can set things straight.
- Moving a Thread :
- Select the forum from the drop listing containing the thread to be moved and click on the 'GO' button.
- Select the subject from the drop listing that you want to move.
- Select the destination forum from the drop listing and click on the 'GO' button.
Word Censoring
A necessary evil in a public forum is the capability to censor words that might be deemed offensive. With that in mind, you can use the 'Word Censoring' tool to accomplish exactly that. The word censor automatically does partial matches for the words you enter. An example would be if you put a filter on the word 'dog', it would catch the first 3 letters in the word 'dogma' in addition to every other instance of 'dog' in the posting.
- New word filter :
- Enter the word or phrase you want to filter in the box provided.
- Enter in the replacement text (e.g. ****) in the box provided.
- Select who the filter applies to :
- Users : Applies to users, but moderators are NOT affected.
- Users and Moderators : Applies to ALL forum postings
- Click on the 'ADD NEW' button to add the filter once the previous steps are complete.
- Current Filtered Word List :
- EDIT : Select this link to modify the word, replacement text or who it applies to.
- DELETE : Select this link to delete a word filter. You will not be prompted to confirm the deletion.
- The remainder of the table shows the filtered word, the replacement text and who it applies to :
- U : Applies to Users
- M : Applies to Moderators
Ban an IP Address
Banning by IP is one of three possible banning types enabled in the forum. With the 'IP Ban' tool, you can enter a partial IP address using a '*' wildcard character, or a complete IP address to be matched. NOTE : While IP banning works good with people connecting with static IP addresses, if the IP you ban is part of a dynamic pool of assigned IP addresses, you might ban someone other than you intended. Any user who attemps to connect to the forum from an IP that is banned will be automatically redirected to the 'ip.aspx' page.
- Ban an IP Address :
- Complete IP Address :
- Enter in the complete IP address to be banned in the box provided.
- Click on the 'BAN IP' button
- IP Address Range :
- Enter in the partial IP address with a '*' on the end (e.g. 127.0.0.*)
- Click on the 'BAN IP' button
- Removing an IP Address Ban :
- Select the banned IP Address or IP Address Range from the listing.
- Click on the 'REMOVE' button to remove the ban.
Ban a E-Mail Address
Banning a e-mail address is the second of three possible banning types enabled in the forum. Using the 'E-Mail Ban' tool will NOT prevent an existing user from accessing the forum (Use the 'Ban A User' feature to block forum access by account). What it will do is prevent a user from registering a new account with the banned e-mail address.
- Ban a E-Mail Address:
- The entries are NOT case sensitive (e.g. [email protected] == [email protected])
- Enter in the complete E-Mail Address to be banned in the box provided.
- Click on the 'BAN E-EMAIL' button
- Removing a E-Mail Address Ban :
- Select the banned E-Mail Address from the listing.
- Click on the 'REMOVE' button to remove the ban.
Ban a User
Banning a user is the third of the three possible banning types enabled in the forum. Banning a user is not a separate tool like the first two options, but is a sub-item of the 'Edit / Delete User Profiles' tool. By selecting the 'Lock User Account' option when viewing an individual user profile, you will enable or disable access to the forum. More information regarding this is can be found in the 'Edit / Delete User Profiles' section of this manual.
Lock A Thread
We have all seen those forum threads that seem to go on forever at times (usually about nothing to boot) and wish we could just have the flame war's stop. Using the 'Lock Thread' tool, you can do just that. The 'Lock Thread' tool prevents users from posting additional replies to a specific thread. Note : This does not stop them from starting a new thread, just prevents additional posts in the locked thread.
- To lock a thread locate the first post in a thread and click on the 'lock topic' image
on the control toolbar.
- To unlock a thread locate the first post in a thread and click on the 'unlock topic' image
on the control toolbar.
Administrative Action Log
The Administrative Action Log tracks all Administrator and Moderator actions on the forum. It is shown in date order (most recent first) and is filterable by user.
NOTE : When deleting older log entries, this is done for all log items and is not filterable by user.
E-Mail Messages
The E-Mail Mesages tool allows you to customize the e-mail messages that are sent to forum members for various events. By default the messages are sent using the Administrator's e-mail address set in the web.config, but you can enter in a separate e-mail address to be used if selected on the form. Below is a listing of the variables for each e-mail message. NOTE : These variables ARE case sensitive!
- Moderator Approve Notification: This is sent when an post is approved on a moderated forum to the original poster.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {ThreadSubject} : The thread subject
- {ReplyLink} : The link to view the post on the forum.
- {AdminEmail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
- Moderator Delete Notification: This is sent when an post is declined on a moderated forum to the original poster.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {ThreadSubject} : The thread subject
- {AdminEmail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
- Moderator Pending Notification: This is sent when an post has been made in a moderated forum and one of the forum moderators has requested notification.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {SiteURL} : The base forum URL.
- New Member Registration: This is sent when an user first registers for the forum and e-mail confirmation is required.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {ConfirmLink} : The link to confirm the e-mail was received.
- New Member Welcome Mail: This is sent when an user first registers for the forum and all confirmations have been completed.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {RealName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {SiteURL} : The base forum URL.
- {UserName} : The member's user name.
- {Password} : The member's password.
- {AdminName} : The Administrator's name as set in the web.config
- {AdminEmail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
- New Post Notification: This is sent to members who have subscribed to a forum and a new message is posted.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {ForumName} : The name of the forum that the post was done in.
- {PostUserName} : The user name of the person who posted the message.
- {ThreadSubject} : The thread subject
- {ThreadLink} : The link to view the post on the forum.
- {AdminEmail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
- Password Change Confirmation: This is sent to members when their password has been changed in their control panel.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {ForumName} : The name of the forum as set in the web.config.
- {AdminMail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
- Password Reminder: This is sent to members who use the password reminder form.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {ForumURL} : The base URL of the forum.
- {UserName} : The member's user name.
- {Password} : The member's password.
- Private Message Notification: This is sent to who request to be notified when a new Private Message is received.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {SenderName} : The user name of the member who sent the message.
- {PMLink} : The link to view the members Private Message Inbox.
- Reply Post Notification: This is sent to members who have subscribed to the forum or message thread and a new reply is posted.
- {ForumTitle} : The boardTitle as set in the web.config
- {UserName} : The real name of the user the e-mail is being sent to.
- {ForumName} : The name of the forum that the post was done in.
- {PostUserName} : The user name of the person who posted the message.
- {ThreadSubject} : The thread subject
- {ReplyLink} : The link to view the post on the forum.
- {UnsubscribeLink} : The link to unsubscribe from the message thread.
- {AdminEmail} : The Administrator's e-mail address as set in the web.config
Attachment Editor
The Attachment Editor is designed to assist in attachment maintenance. Since forum members cannot remove attachments from their posts, regular maintenance may be necessary. Occasionally attachments will become orphaned when a member uploads a file, but does not complete their post message. These orphans are totaled in the first section titled "Orphan Attachments". You can delete these orphans by clicking on the delete button.
In addition to being able to delete the orphan attachments, you can selectively disable individual attachments from posts by using the table listing in the lower section of the tool. This listing is done in date order or reverse date order depending on your selection. You can view the attachment by clicking on the "View" link as long as you have permission to access the forum the attachment is posted in. You can delete the attachment by clicking on the "Delete" link.