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   Posted 9/16/2005 12:10 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Let me first start of by saying I take full responsibility for my actions on eventually losing all my money back to Royal.
I am posting because I see that Royal is advertising here and the owners might be interested in this story.
This story happened 6 months ago. about 8 months ago I signed up with
I first deposited $500 with them and after a week I lost it all. I sent them another $1000 3 days later. I lost that too fairly quicky. All in all I ended up sending them over $11,000 in a 2 month period. However, I hit a winning streak where I won back most of the money I originally sent. I then asked for a cashout of a little over $10,000. After 3 days of waiting and not hearing back anything, I emailed them. They told me the check will be sent in the next few days. I waited and nothing came. I eventually called and spoke to one guy name Richard I think. He said there were some banking problems but for the delay he would give me a nice bonus if I deposited back the money.I initially said no but after not hearing about my payout for another few days I called him back and ask him the status. He gave me the same bank problem story so I thought I was never going to get my money and told him I would accept the 50% bonus if the funds were returned to my account. If I knew there were sportsbooks forums like these I would have contacted someone from here first before agreeing to such a deal. I felt like I was never going to be paid so that's why I put back the money in my account. To make a long story short I lost every penny of what I put back. I feel stupid and duped even after 6 months by putting back the money.
However, I have learned my lesson and I will never ever play at an offshore book again. I blame the Royal company but mainly myself for even signing up with a sportsbook that I knew nothing about.
My advice to everyone is not to play at any unregulated book but if you must, at least stay away from Royal
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   Posted 9/16/2005 2:30 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
does anyone know if this is legit? This is a first time poster at MW

Roberto, you might want to be careful before backing anyone, this could end up another David1 pie-in-the-face
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   Posted 9/16/2005 7:55 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Roberto, you might want to be careful before backing anyone, this could end up another David1 pie-in-the-face
dg give it a rest. So because one guy had a bogus complaint agaist royal all are questioned? This complaint looks like dozens of others that have been brought forward against royal during the past couple of years.
Also, imho you should either refrain from backing up royal or add a signature that states you work indirectly for tej and have recommended them for money, posted their promos and shilled for them as part of your paid duties.
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   Posted 9/16/2005 8:38 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

Lets not kid each other. This complaint is posted as a warning and describes a genuine and quite common situtation. The player is most likely a phone guy or a punter who was not aware of watchdog sites to begin with.

Both TOW and SBR receive complaints like this on weekly basis. They no longer make the news. Its a standard trend of Royal Sports to abuse offline players when it comes to payouts.

Same situation that brought David1 to lie (mind, I do NOT justify he lied). He got hot, ran his balance to 180K, asked for a payout and AFTER three weeks of runarounds was told he would have been paid between then (April 05) and January 06. Some checks were debited to his account but never sent and reverted after a few weeks.

He lied about his two final wagers, and that is unexcusable. As its unexcusable that he was stalled, given the runaround, bullied and lied to about his payouts.

Tell me something DG: you play there, you get hot, you finally build up 10 ask for a payout and are put thru the runaround this player would you feel ? Would you still have a mild approach ?

Lastly....few noticed this. The other day Hawkins posted a chat sent to him by Kevin King containing Bill Dozer's real name. It was left up for hours before being taken down.

I said it many times. I've seen, with my own eyes, Kevin's spreadsheet where he matches account #s to posting handles. Not a surprise this lucky group (which, BTW, includes you DG) gets their payouts in a timely manner. its called "evil marketing".

Post Edited (TOW) : 9/16/2005 8:49:29 AM (GMT-4)

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   Posted 9/16/2005 11:46 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
done John, signature added

now I assume you and your moderators will be doing the same?

now, both of you know that if you want to post FACTUAL information, it will be welcomed. But you have a habit of "jumping the gun" on any 2-bit story over your hard-on for Royal. You did the same last time and made a very big mistake. As "watchdogs" you should be factchecking BEFORE you post anything, not just cut and paste posts about Royal from a brand new poster over at MajorWager. That is not acting responsibly, that is sensationalism. All you are doing is spreading unverified information around because it suits your agenda.

If you have FACTS about a case, please post them. It will be a service to all. But enough already with the "loads of complaints" that you keep quoting but don't provide any information on. David1 was played off as a legit dispute until the facts were brought to light. Until it is out in the open, no one should just assume complaints are valid.

I am not saying there are no valid complaints about Royal. But as a "player advocate" or "watchdog", it is time to start working on facts and not assumptions.

I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,

Post Edited (drunkguy) : 9/16/2005 11:53:11 AM (GMT-4)

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   Posted 9/16/2005 11:53 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
"I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,"

What about SIA?
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   Posted 9/16/2005 11:54 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
jwunderdog said...
"I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,"

What about SIA?


nah, that would be "directly paid"

I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,

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Dell Dude
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   Posted 9/16/2005 12:31 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
TOW said...

Lastly....few noticed this. The other day Hawkins posted a chat sent to him by Kevin King containing Bill Dozer's real name. It was left up for hours before being taken down.

I said it many times. I've seen, with my own eyes, Kevin's spreadsheet where he matches account #s to posting handles. Not a surprise this lucky group (which, BTW, includes you DG) gets their payouts in a timely manner. its called "evil marketing".
So that Hawkins makes sure his sheet is taken care of while just giving lip service to rest of his sukker posters. This guy needs to have a few more of his teeth knocked out. yeah
DD, no name calling please. Thank you

Post Edited By Moderator (TOW) : 9/16/2005 1:20:44 PM (GMT-4)

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   Posted 9/16/2005 1:00 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Drunkguy, how can you work for bet royal? I've seen you post their ads and shill for them at SportsCrew and you know all about them. You were one of the guys who claimed this industry was crooked and now you are promoting a book owned by one of the top 5 notorious thieves in the industry. Why? Why?
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   Posted 9/16/2005 4:25 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
SBR_John said...
Drunkguy, how can you work for bet royal? I've seen you post their ads and shill for them at SportsCrew and you know all about them. You were one of the guys who claimed this industry was crooked and now you are promoting a book owned by one of the top 5 notorious thieves in the industry. Why? Why?

I don't work for betroyal. I have never been asked to promote them on the forums, shill for them, etc. Maybe I receive money from them indirectly, but I don't even know what their arrangement is with sportscrew. i have been playing with them for years and never had a problem. Just sent them a deposit 2 weeks ago, in fact. I have sent friends there (without any kind of referral) and they also did not have a problem

I know it is normal for you to look at a situation and only pull out only what suits you, but I post promos from ALL books. I have posted books offers all over the damn place, for all different kinds of books. Hell, I post "free $15" casino promos and other various crap I get in my email for those who might be interested.

IN FACT, you may have noticed that I have not hesitated to criticize Royal on slow pay and other issues. Of course, you don;t bother to consider that because it doesn't fit your agenda.

But all of this is offtopic. SHOW EVIDENCE OF CASES BEFORE YOU POST THEM AS "TYPICAL" - that is your job as the watchdogs, not mine. It took a whole 5 minutes for me to show that David1 was lying, and that was the big "slam dunk" case, that even had ties to the Candian political scene. Until you guys are willing to offer details of a case, you should not be talking as if it is fact.

I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,

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   Posted 9/16/2005 4:57 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
damn dg. if you send your friends to royal, where do you send your enemies? ;-)
i used to like royal a lot myself, but i just wouldnt chance playing there now....
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   Posted 9/16/2005 9:48 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
OK drunkguy. This has been such a strane period. We have made progress in the industry. COVERS and TheRx neither are overly selective threw out Royal because of slow pays. But guys like you, paid shills for hire, are a setback to our efforts to punish slow-pay and ex-scammers and warn players of dangerous situations. In the end its your reputation, which I know you dont care about because its just a paying gig under a posting handle, that ends up in the dumpster.

Agenda? Yea I have one. To let players know who the top books are and which ones are dangerous. You are trying to convince naive players that an ex slow pay book owned by a notorious scammer is great and thats wrong and you know it.
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   Posted 9/17/2005 3:51 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
lol lol lol lol

the top books John?

does that include PanAm, who you were partying with during the superbowl while they were scammin post up money?

and you didn't even bother to EVEN TRY to get players money back, you ignored it and left the dirty work to TOW.

BTW how is Jazz doing since they quit their post-up division?

lol lol lol lol lol

I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,

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   Posted 9/24/2005 3:09 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Somebody said...
done John, signature added

now I assume you and your moderators will be doing the same?


I am paid INDIRECTLY by the following sportsbooks:,, BetCRIS, 5Dimes, Hollywood, Aces, VIPSports, BetMaker, Superbook, CaribSports, BetWWTS,, BetRoyal, Skybook, BoDog, Millenium,, BetGameDay,

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