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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 5/27/2005 12:38 AM (GMT -5) |
After 23 days of continuous negotiations and thanks to the unconditional support of SBR's John Walker and TheRX Mybookie (r. 6) has agreed to pay the player originally forced into a settlement agreement last February. The player contacted by phone reports that the dispute has been solved to his full satisfaction. |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 5/27/2005 11:46 AM (GMT -5) |
5/27/2005 Mybookie case: another settlement proposed ? |
TOW sources in Costa Rica just reported that the alleged finalization of the dispute between the player originally forced into a settlement agreement and Mybookie (r. 6) may hide a new settlement proposal. Our sources report that the new agreement would be on 50% of the balance still owed to the player (85K) in exchange of a new transaction contract and a public admission of full satisfaction by the player. While the book has not been able to provide elements of the alleged player's foul play, other elements, such as the player owing a relevant amount to his tout, have come into the picture. The player has not been available to comment on these latest developments. Other sources reported that the player's debts with his touts are for real and that the player has repeatedly asked for advice to industry people before entering the original settlement agreement. Sources report that the player had been advised to accept the original agreement because the people he had contacted had warned him about Grand Central's past. The player himself confirmed to TOW that Mybookie's Lawyer had forced him to accept the initial agreement under pressure. "either you accept the 40K or you will get nothing" the player reported having been told. |
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Posted 5/28/2005 12:24 AM (GMT -5) |
I don't think the player is getting paid the full amount. I guess we won't find out the amount until an actual payment is made to the player. |
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Posted 5/30/2005 6:15 PM (GMT -5) |
Having had a few days to "cool off" and reflect back on the events in the recent player dispute with , I was able to ultimately come to the same conclusion as many people have expressed here, and that is that we were 100% wrong in withholding winnings in this case.
Although I was not involved in the daily activities of this players account I was the one that ultimately turned it over to our lawyer and agreed to the original settlement.
Yes there were suspicions and yes there were irregularities but that did not change the fact the player had won fair and square. I would like to believe that because we had a legal signed and notarized document agreed to by both parties ,we were right, but this is not about legal technicalities only about whether or not we acted in accordance with sound business ethics and on this I must say no we did not.
I did not put principals before personalities , as it became somewhat of a personal thing with certain promises and verbal agreements being broken . I am sure that our attorney also was convincing in his arguments (as that is what he is paid to do) to the player that it would be better to accept a settlement rather than have the account frozen and investigated for fraudulent activities.
I must say that initially when I was contacted by Roberto from TOW i was adamant in that we had done nothing wrong. Also when contacted by General and Shrink and Russ I felt we had a legal agreement and that was that, but after explaining to them all the details(which do not need mentioning) they still drew the same conclusion WE WERE WRONG.
At this point I was ready to fight and was convinced that if we went to arbitration that we would win (after all we had legal documents). Luckily for me this was not the end , I received another phone call from General and Shrink stating they had spoken to 6 different people in the industry and they all had the same conclusion WE WERE WRONG. I also got opinions from Russ at MW and Rick from my own staff who also stated WE WERE WRONG .
So after getting my pride and ego out of the way, and listening to what was being said from people whose opinions I respected I could draw no other conclusion other than WE WERE WRONG and agreed to pay the player in full.
I am sorry that it did have to go this far and that the people who work hard everyday at our company in which they take pride would have to be subjected to embarrassment for something over which they held no control. We made a series of bad decisions and I am glad that we were able to make it right.
We are also going to implement some player dispute policies in which RX, MW, and SBR web addresses and email addresses will be made available to players vis our web sites. This being an unregulated industry these sites do in fact hold operators to a certain set of standards.
Best Wishes,
Mike Nichols
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/2/2005 5:24 PM (GMT -5) |
The player has just confirmed to me that he has received his payment in full. At this time I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Rick, who has played a determining role in getting this situation solved.
Case closed. |
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Posted 6/3/2005 12:15 AM (GMT -5) |
Rick, glad you could think it over and do the right thing |
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Date Joined Apr 2005
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Posted 6/3/2005 10:34 AM (GMT -5) |
So does this mean that the orginal deal that SHrink and the General brokered was to give the player 50% of his money instead of 30% of his money? |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/3/2005 1:32 PM (GMT -5) |
These are the facts concerning the finalization of the situation:
Monday May 30th Mybookie sent the full 85K to TheRX since they had been "mediating" the case and the book "didn't trust" the player.
Thursday June 2nd I spoke to the player on the phone and he confirmed he has received the money and he is satisfied. I asked twice, he answered twice.
As far as I am concerned, and based on the player's statement to me, the case is closed. |
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Posted 6/3/2005 1:53 PM (GMT -5) |
Its great to hear that the player got paid in full. But it still sounds like initally the SHrink was prepared to have they player settle on 50%, and then claim an undeserved victory.
There are two very important issues here.
1) Did this player get paid in full. You say he did. I believe you. Thats great.
2) Should players consider going to the Shrink or the General for assistance. If your intial report was correct, that All the SHrink got for the player was 50% of his money, and then the SHrink and the Genral posts that everything is settled, and players shoudl feel comfortable playing at mybookie, there is a real problem. Then it is clear that initally the player was sold down the river. ANd it wans't the shrink who got the player paid, but rather the conitbued bad press in the forums that caused Mike to pay the player. But agian, if your repart about the player only getting 50% of his money is true, then players need to be warned that they can't trust therx to be fair arbitrators. Both Mike and RIck acknowledged that there was never any justification in not paying the player. This should have been the easist case to arbitrate.
If your report on the 27th that the player would only get 50% was true. I think as players and posters we have a right to know why such a settlement was acceptable to the Shrink and to the General. Maybe players really need to think twice about ever agreeing to let rx mods arbitrate a case, especially when it deals with an advertiser. Until this question is fully answered this case will never be over. |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/3/2005 2:20 PM (GMT -5) |
As I said Mybookie sent 85K (the entire amount owed to the player) to TheRX. I have not asked Ken, but I have asked the player yesterday afternoon. The player told me clearly:
a) He has received his money;
b) He is satisfied.
I am not a Police investigator. If the "victim" tells me he has received his money and he is satisfied I close the file.
As far as my report dd 5/27 goes:
I confirm having received that report from two different sources. At that time the player was not available to comment (as clearly mentioned in the report). This is why I wanted to verify if the wire had been sent, and it has, the amount, 85K, and that the player had received his money, and he did.
I repeat myself: The player told me he received his money and he was satisfied. That equals to "case closed" for me. |
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Posted 6/3/2005 2:43 PM (GMT -5) |
Players need to know whether to have the shrinks arbitrate a dispute. If we are using this case as an example, the most important thing is not so much the final outcome, whihc may have simply been the result of conitued bad press, but rather the agreement that was reached on the 26th. Until told differently, I am forced tobelieve that the Shrink mediation only resulted in the player getting 50% of his money. In whihc case I would have to advise people never to agree to let Kenny arbitrate. Howver, if you tell me that the intial agreement was for the full 100%, than I would say Kenny did a good job
To use another example. Betpanam wasn't just about players getting paid. That was one very important issue. But the other very important issue was that you proved beyond a doubt, you had the ability against all odds to get players paid. Now the RX is holding out this mybookie case of showing how they got this player piad. WHile I think the posters at therxforum deserves credit for all siding for the player, until we know what the agreement was that the shrink mediated, it remains an open question as too how much credit he and the general truly deserve. |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/3/2005 2:58 PM (GMT -5) |
I see your point but you seem not to see mine....had I been kept in the loop throughout the last hours I'd be able to provide you with an answer. I was not. I had a three way conference call scheduled for that day between the lawyer, the player and myself to go over the "duress" element. Ken called the player after I gave him the number and my conference call never took place.
Please understand my point: I spoke to the player yesterday afternoon. I asked him twice if he had received his money in full. He said yes, I have received the money and I am satisfied. He said it twice.
This is all that matters to me. I cannot, nor have any intention to re-open the case. The player stated twice he received the money and he is satisfied.
Now, if what your are alleging to is true, and I have no reason nor element to believe it is, then its the player's problem. Not mine, not yours, not anyone else's. |
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Posted 6/3/2005 3:06 PM (GMT -5) |
As I have posted in the past, I do not believe the player was paid the 85k. The player was probably made to sign a contract similar to the partial payment of 40k which placed a gag order on him. It just makes no sense to send the 85k to the RX instead of the player. |
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Posted 6/3/2005 7:28 PM (GMT -5) |
Raiders, I agree with you. This whole issue of money being sent to the Rx instead of the player, smells funny. |
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