The Offshore Wire Forum > Public Forums > Offshore Sportbooks > Can these behaviours be tolerated any longer ? - updated 7/12/2005 |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
Total Posts : 779
Posted 6/27/2005 10:18 AM (GMT -4) |
Royal Sports has hit a new low.
A player who deposited 60K with them was first screwed out of his legit wins from a contest, then slow paid on his withdrawal request (50K), now that the book has reluctantly paid him 30K (in 5 weeks) Kevin King, Royal's managing director, says the player is owed nothing !
I am aware of King's lies. He went to the extent to deny having paid the 30K to the player. Too bad the player has his Bank records that show otherwise.
Can this be tolerated any longer ?
Players should avoid Royal by ALL means. Operators should also come together to eliminate this Black Eye of the industry.
Royal Sports behaviours not only damage players, but the industry as a whole.
7/12/2005 The Royal Sports dispute resolved |
On July 11th 2005 the player who filed a slow pay complaint against Royal Sports (r.1) has voluntarily taken a polygraph test with Mr. John Edward Ballard and lied in his reply about placing the disputed bets on June 12th 2005. This exam has finally cleared Royal Sports from the undue accusation of having tampered with the tapes related to the bets placed by the player on June 12th 2005. TheOffshoreWire expresses its sincere apologies to Royal Sports for having erroneously taken for granted the player's statements on the allegedly doctored bets. All previous posts will be amended in accordance to the final development of this dispute. |
Post Edited (TOW) : 7/12/2005 4:17:14 PM (GMT-4)
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Posted 6/27/2005 2:08 PM (GMT -4) |
why would Royal deny paying out 30k? Are they saying that his claim isn't legitimate? |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/27/2005 2:14 PM (GMT -4) |
Royal intially agreed to pay the player his 50K in 5 instalments (after having kept the player on "hold" for three weeks.
Then they paid 3 instalments. Then they stopped paying. Then Kevin issued the statement according to which nothing is owed to the player. Then he even denied the three initial instalments. Now he admits having paid 30K...
but denies he still owes the remainder. Too bad the initial agreement is on record.
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"El Sombrero"
Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/27/2005 4:41 PM (GMT -4) |
TOW- Just curious to the source of the above allegations against Kevin King. It sounds fishy to me that Kevin would not admit to paying the player the 30k. From what I have read and heard it's common knowledge that the player was paid the 30k. |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/27/2005 4:49 PM (GMT -4) |
There is a taped phone call in which Kevin first denies then, when confronted with FACTS by the player himself, admits.
Embarassing is an understatement.
Trying to scam a player by implying he is a liar with LIES is the lowest of the low in my book. |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/27/2005 5:16 PM (GMT -4) |
The reason is simple. In the statement King issued at MW two days ago he set the grounds to imply that:
1) The player was a contest winner ( translation - he never posted up )
2) The player was a liar
3) The player was owed nothing
I have PERSONALLY spoken to the player for close to one hour yesterday.
The player provided evidence he has posted up 3 times 20K for a total of 60K
The player provided evidence he was SCREWED by Royal on the Final 4 Contest
The player provided evidence that Royal, in order to lure him to deposit again, granted him a 5K bonus to "apologize" for the fuck job of the contest.
As you can understand neither Royal nor King would have expected a phone guy (not a poster nor a surfer) to reach a watchdog site (who has involved other sites in the situation)
When "pinched" Royal and King LIED in the hope the player would have been painted as a scammer.
Too bad for them the player is WELL DETERMINED to get his money. HIS MONEY.
I will post further updates on this developing story later today or tomorrow.
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"El Sombrero"
Date Joined Mar 2005
Total Posts : 392
Posted 6/27/2005 9:32 PM (GMT -4) |
The Major
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06/27/2005 6:52 PM
i just spent 20 minutes on the phone with Marco and Kevin. They have sent spreadsheets of what is going on and have offered me tapes of some strange calls.
Unles Kevin and Marco are comlete bullshit artists, I am thinking this is a tremendous publicity stunt.
I will post all docs and call on thursday.
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/28/2005 11:52 AM (GMT -4) |
TOW exclusive coverage - The Royal Sports scam |
The Offshore Wire received the file provided by Royal Sports which allegedly supports the thesis according to which the player who filed a slow pay complaint against them is owed nothing.
According to Royal Sports the player placed 2 wagers on June 12th 2005, each one for $10,000 . Both wagers were graded as loss. The books says that those two wagers were placed by the player utilizing the last remaining balance in his account ($20,000) and therefore the player is owed nothing.
However the file provided by Royal shows the following:
On June 12th, prior to Royal's Head linesman Rick entering these alleged bets, the player's account balance was 0.
The files also show that on the same date, June 12th 2005, the 2 losing wagers were entered into the player's account, Royal's CFO Marco Swart cancelled two FEDEX withdrawals originally posted to the players account, one on May 18th 2005, the other on May 25th 2005, and re-credited those funds to the players account so that those two wagers could allegedly be placed.
Royal Sports therefore provided self incriminating evidence that amounts removed from the players account respectively on May 18th and May 25th had never been paid to the player.
This confirms the player's verbal report. He was adamant in stating that for over three weeks he had been told by Royal Sports that the "check was in the mail". He was also adamant in saying he never placed the two final bets that brought his account to 0.
Both final bets are recorded being placed within minutes from the time the player's account had been re-credited.
The file also show that in another occasion, on May 20th 2005, Royal's Head line man Rick had entered a losing wager for $2,040 in the player's account beyond the player's knowledge. When the player spotted the irregularity he filed a claim and on May 21st 2005 Marco Swart entered a credit adjustment for the same bet.
This circumstance was detailed by the player during our phone call prior to receive Royal Sports file.
TOW has reason to believe that Royal Sports, after lying to the player concerning his last payouts, which they admittedly deducted from the players account on May 18th and May 25th but never actually sent to the player, has intentionally "returned" funds to the player's account and intentionally entered two losing wagers. These criminal actions took place beyond the player's knowledge with the clear intent to creatively stiff the player.
TheOffshoreWire renews its warning on Royal Sports. Players wagering at Royal Sports are not only likely to experience extenuating slow pays but may also have their betting accounts criminally tampered with by this crooked sports book.
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Posted 6/28/2005 1:04 PM (GMT -4) |
TOW, how do we know for sure that the player did not place those wagers?
Is there a tape?
Seems that if he was getting impatient for a payout, he might call in to get his account recredited and try to either scalp it or take a shot with it. And of course in that case the wager would be expected to be placed immediately after the account was recredited.
Only bring this up because I remember a case in the past under similar circumstances and it was found that the player blew all of the money on casino games... |
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Date Joined Mar 2005
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Posted 6/28/2005 3:19 PM (GMT -4) |
A new player has just filed this horror story with Royal Sports
I say up front, I don't have "proof" of Royal stealing from me, but let me tell you what happened to "sour" me on them.
I had no action with them for many months. I had approximately $1200 sitting in my account, and saw 2 futures prices I like on the Over/Under # wins in the NFL for the 2004 season, so I divided the money and placed them there.
One was WAS Under 9 W's the other, NYG UN 6.5 W's.
Now, it was interesting to me that these wagers never showed in my pending file. I called and asked about them on a couple of occasions, and both times I was verbally assured that yes they were there, but it was a "software thing" about them not showing.
Well, both wagers won, and I kept looking for the money to show into my account. I had planned to make a dime w/d and leave the rest for future wagering. When I called and asked about them, they said my account had no funds! I asked how can this be, and they said I lost both wagers, and sent me copies of the losing wagers.
Obviously I wish I had printed out or saved to a file the wagers when I had made them. If I had, rest assured I would have rasied a stink. But, because I had no proof, I had to "eat the losses" My personal records for all my futures wagers are below. (this was spread over 6 SB's)
ATL UN 9 L (-1175)
ARI UN 5.5/6 P/L (-600)
CAR OV 8.5 L (-1050)
CAR UN 9 W +1000
HOU OV 6.5 W +1320
MIA UN 8 W +1000
MIN OV 8.5 L (-1775)
NYG UN 6.5 W +29 *(cheated by Royal for 1150)
NYJ OV 8.5 W +1000
SEA OV 9 P -0-
STL UN 9.5 W +2300
WAS UN 9 W +699 *(cheated by Royal for 887)
TOTAL W +2748
Amount cheated by Royal is both the posted funds + won funds.
I am not asking for any assistance or recovery. I chalk it up to "lesson learned" and have moved on. I am only telling you about this so you can add to your knowledge base another of their tatics.
Feel free to share this experience with whomever you choose, however, I prefer to remain anonymous, so please remove any reference of my name.
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Posted 6/28/2005 4:13 PM (GMT -4) |
Before jumping and making allegations of out right thievery..You understand that perhaps there are more to some of these allegations that even you are aware of and would of been aware of if you had ask Royal !! You really think that Royal would give this guy the shaft for 2k?? COME ON DUDE!
1,All regular season wins are graded after regular season finishes for all games all teams are graded at the same moment
2,When the bets are placed the wager becomes pending and is taken out of the account
3,According to his statement there he had a couple of winners so at the moment of grading the winnings + stake are coming back in the account
4,so when he called he had -- or a balance from his winning bets -- or he placed more bets. His balance could never be zero according to his own recap of wagers
5, Regardless its a case that can be taken care of outside there forums, and does not merit your bold statements
You act like Royal only has 2-3 players and they are all getting the shaft..Are you aware and you should be with your heavy campaign to bring down this sportsbook hurts not only Royal, but all good sportsbooks offshore and every watchdog site there is..Its like like the old saying Fox, when there are none and when you really have a Fox going after you no one will take you serious..What we don't have here is a sportsbook taken off with players funds or out right thievery as you say...Another thing you should know and i am sure you do is..
1,everybody gets paid only some checks payments are delayed a couple of days as Richard stated in the past at Royal and THERE ARE ZERO REPORTS OF REAL SLOW PAYS
2,Royal as we speak has 2-3k active players and at foots has twice that amount..Do we see 0.01 % of these players posting displeasure with money at royal?
As per your guy getting the shaft for whatver amount you say it is..Are you aware and you should be..That so called $2040 was
Just a human error, Rick placed the bet manually in the wrong account It wa then corrected before the
player called.
2,There are many things you and others(shrink) have not comment on in regards to this person owed moneys..Lets let Royal story come better to light before you try to close them down because of 1 player out of 3000 contacting you..
Lets show support for all offshore sportsbooks..there are people looking in to us and are very much shacken there heads..we can't get new players for any offshore sportsbooks with crazy wild storys like these....
all we need is bonus!
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