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Knight of TOW

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   Posted 8/30/2005 11:34 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I was in school when the planes hit the towers. It was horrible and it took a while to actually realize what has really happened. The towers fell due to terrorist attack but N.O sunk due to a natural disaster. The whole city is being evacuated and no one really knows how long it will take before people can go back home, some say it might take weeks/months.
I'm on the subway eveyday and always hear the announcments, they say " If you see a suspicious bag on the train make sure to tell the police office or an MTA woker." It goes something along those lines but give me a fucken break, people look for guys in a turbin that look like Osama but they are not that fucken stupid. Everyday something could happen here in the city and all those cops and soldiers on the street would bring what good? None in my opinion. Backt to the point, has anyone of you ever went through a disaster that affected a large number of peope... if so what is it? Are you worried that it could happen again or go about your life without a worry?

Bush fucked up and if something blows up again in U.S that motherfucker should be impeached and send to fucken prison for not going after Osama ASAP.

What goes around comes around. Bush went to Iraq for the oli and look that Kartina did to the oil refinaries in the Golf Coast.

"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Big Brother
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   Posted 8/30/2005 11:47 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
damn man sounds like you got issues with bush more than hurricane katrina you pissed at bush about this?
if so you shouldn't be cause he actually declared a state of emergency in this case TWO days before the first raindrop fell. FEMA the red cross and rescue workers were on site way before any of this happened so what does that have to do with 9-11?
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   Posted 8/30/2005 11:51 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Big Brother said...
damn man sounds like you got issues with bush more than hurricane katrina
thats what i was thinking as well BB, i guess we all know who coco is voting for in 2008 smilewinkgrin

a good capper is only as good as his info.

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Knight of TOW

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   Posted 8/30/2005 11:55 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I never been to N.O but wanted to go... now i missed out.

Btw Dan... Bush can't got for a 3rd term so nobody really knows who i will be noting for. Got you again!!!!!! man i'm loving this.

"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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   Posted 8/30/2005 11:58 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
i wasn't talking about a 3rd term numbnut, i said you will be voting for hilarey in 2008

a good capper is only as good as his info.

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   Posted 8/31/2005 12:01 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
relax coco nawlins will be back i garanteees it, you cant keep a good city down--i've been there before and i promise you they'll be partying before they are even close to being put back togetgher--great town with great people, wish them nothing but the best...........
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Big Brother
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   Posted 8/31/2005 12:02 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
bigboydan said...
i wasn't talking about a 3rd term numbnut, i said you will be voting for hilarey in 2008

lol numbnut funny shit..........
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   Posted 8/31/2005 12:50 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
i was in las vegas 2 years ago when the wildfires were out of control from san diego to los angeles. my gf and i flew out. we had friends who met us out there. everything was going perfectly and suddenly on sunday morning we all began getting cell calls from friends and family in san diego. my gf told me there were fires and i couldnt understand why i was being told this. then another friend called to ask what do i want saved from my home? now i was concerned.every fire truck and water helicopter or plane was out of the county fighting the fires in the san bernardino forest and the fires in san diego county were raging out of control with no one fighting them! we lost an entire community and 2000 homes were lost. but while we were in vegas the residents of the county were being told to evacuate to the beaches and stay there as the fires burned west. thats 3 million people!we lost our flight home as all southern california air traffic was grounded.we drove to primm with our friends and stayed there monday night. but the freeway home was shut down cuz the mountains were burning.the next day the highway patrol said we can head home but he didnt know for how long the road would stay open and cars were being escorted thru the fires.when we got thru the passes of these mountains both sides of the highway was lined with firefighters from all over the country.they were taking positions to fight fires raging up the hill toward the highway! and to our left was a water helicopter dumping on fires raging down the mountain also toward the highway. and we were driving thru the middle of all now we wondered what san diego would be like as we got closer. it was 3pm and as dark as could be from the ash.people were wearing germ masks and the air was horrible. it took a year for this area to recover and it still is talked about. the weird sky is what i remember most. when i was about 12 i was in idaho when mount st helens exploded.we heard about this on the radio and as i was standing in the middle of this street i saw a very dark cloud on the horizon. we were told to take shelter cuz it was ash from the came so fast and it was snowing this ash. i was visiting from san diego and i brought some home that i still have. but this stuff killed horses and other animals that breathed this stuff.but the sky was an erie grayish/red and i think its how a nuclear winter would look .i just had to share. my fingers worn


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   Posted 8/31/2005 12:57 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I remember that. You couldnt hardly see the sun out here in vegas. All that smoke was covering the sky here.
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   Posted 8/31/2005 1:05 AM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
yes i remember watching the local vegas news and the smoke was heading toward vegas. it hadnt gotten there yet the tuesday morning we drove home. it got in air cleaners and engines and it was such a royal pain in the butt!it was sooo gross!
onlòóker said...
I remember that. You couldnt hardly see the sun out here in vegas. All that smoke was covering the sky here.


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   Posted 8/31/2005 4:38 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I hate to be a cynic in a time like this, but WHY THE HELL did those people stay in New Orleans or wherever when they were told days ahead of time to evacuate or go to the Superdome? And now some are complaining because there are no supplies, no police, no help... WTF are they there for in the first place? And those that are complaining about the Superdome facilities - it got hit by a freakin' hurricane! Of course the roof is going to leak, the A/C is going to go out and toilets are going to overflow! How are the emergency aid people supposed to stop that from happening? Maybe I'm a curmudgeon, but how can people "complain"?
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   Posted 8/31/2005 4:44 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

i have wondered the same thing...
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   Posted 8/31/2005 4:50 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

if you guys watch TV you might find the answer....that 20% of the population that remained in NO is either people who didn't have the means or the money to get out of town....let's not forget that the evacuation order was given 24 hours before Katrina hit....evacuating 500K on such short notice is simply impossible.

Yes, there might be some "assholes" that wanted to ride the storm for the thrill of doing it....but the vast majority of the people still trapped in NO are simply poor....
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   Posted 8/31/2005 4:51 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

they could have gone to one of the shelters....
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   Posted 8/31/2005 5:03 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Which one, the Superdome ? That appears to be the only one that was made available and reading current reports about that place I'd rather take my chance on a roof....
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   Posted 8/31/2005 5:25 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
TOW said...

if you guys watch TV you might find the answer....that 20% of the population that remained in NO is either people who didn't have the means or the money to get out of town
yep, thats probly 100% true too. with gas being $3.00 a gallon or above right now. i'm sure alot more of people fall into that %.

a good capper is only as good as his info.

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   Posted 8/31/2005 5:35 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

actually there were at least 10 shelters the news was directing people to. not sure how the others faired, but anything would have been better than ending up stuck in your attick hoping a helecopter and a guy with a saw were coming.
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   Posted 8/31/2005 5:49 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.

It wasn't the hurricane itself that caused the problem, it was the levee breaking. Now, had they come on and told people that the levee was 90% surely going to break then I would have thought a lot more people would have gotten out. Granted some are poor, but almost al of N.O is below the poverty level. I find it hard to believe that the loacl buses and probably some national ones weren't letting people on for free just to get them out of there.


I grew up in NE and lived a few years in Fla, so I have seen my fair share of hurricanes. The storms are bad, but the toatl idiocy of not building that levee up to 25-30 feet is what really caused the problems here, had that thing been built right none of this would have happened. When you have a city that is BELOW sea level it might help to go above and beyond what people think is safe. Like a 250 lb guy using a rope that is safe up to 250 lbs as a life line.


The French Quarter on Canal St is open for business, pretty much. Why? Because it is above sea level and is not getting flooded like the low lying areas. Now I haven't watched the news so much so it might be getting some flooding now, but had the levee held everything would be OK right now. Aside from the "normal" hurricane damage. In terms of actual storm damage this thing wasn't even that bad. NOwhere near Camille, not even close to Andrew either in terms of property losses from actual winds and weather. However the by product has basically wiped out that city, and it wil basically have to be leveled and rebuilt from the ground up, literally. IF they can even reclaim it, which at this point is 50/50.

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   Posted 8/31/2005 5:50 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
I think this tragedy has tought all of us something more important.....last year Jeanne and Frances "bruised" Miami....back then I decided to ride out the storm at my place despite the evacuation orders....I though I would have been safer there than anywhere else. Both storms hit the Coast well north from where I was yet my idea to underestimate the risk of not listening to an evacutation order could have turned into a HUGE MISTAKE.

Better safe than sorry. Should we have other evacuation orders down here in South Florida I will move out of here at the speed of light.
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   Posted 8/31/2005 6:06 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Though I do have an issue with some of those who chose to stay on their roof or in their attic, my -bigger- issue is the -complainers-.

I don't want to be insensitive to those who don't have the means - that, I can understand - but how in the world can they then COMPLAIN about it!? Who can possibly be at fault for their plight? It was a natural disaster that was forecast?!

People did their best to forewarnm, made available shelters, but people after the fact are now whining and bitching about the aftermath. That, I have a -serious- problem with
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   Posted 8/31/2005 6:23 PM (GMT -5)    Quote This PostAlert An Admin About This Post.
Luckily I have never experienced a major catastrophe, however I was in close proximity of an area that had experienced a major earthquake in 1980 (South of Italy). Being there a few days after the facts allowed me to fully understand the frustration that builds in the minds of a major natural disaster.

I think I can best describe it as a mix of anger and impotence. People that have been that close to death because of a natural cause really flip. I see your point cossi, but I can understand the mental status of those survivors in NO.
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