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Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 10:51 AM |
Following some information transpired on a popular posting forum with concern to Royal Sports' ownership The Offshore Wire has received tens of requests to issue a statement with concern to the issue.
Royal Sports has been in a slow pay mode since the summer of 2001. These slow pays were ably kept out of sight and off the forums by two very capable Customer Service Managers in service with the book until early July 2003 ; Scotty Johnson and Victor. The average delay was then between 5 to 8 days. I retain hard evidence to support this statement.
In the summer of 2003 there was a drastic change in the book's shareholder and management, since 5 of the 6 original American managers left due to the failed merger between Royal Sports and Olympic.
Having discontinued the cover up tactics, and given the aggressive smear campaign put in place by departed management now working with other books, the well kept secret related to the slow pay mode quickly surfaced.
At the beginning of August 2003 a new ownership took over. I can attest, having remained at the helm of Royal Sports between August and December 7th 2003, that the average payout delay during said timeframe had dramatically dropped from the previous 5 to 8 days to an industry standard of 1 - 2 days.
A first significant wake of slow pays took place between end of December 2003 and early January 2004. This event took place primarily because of the lack of completion of the transfer of powers of signature between myself and the newly appointed CEO, Kevin King. This lack of completion occurred due to the premature birth of my son on December 19th 2003 and my impossibility to return to Curacao for the following three weeks.
I have not been actively involved with Royal Sports since December 7th 2003, with the exception of having recently provided some well defined consultancy services in relation to the Company's relocation to Costa Rica. These services have been provided between December 15th 2004 thru February 21st 2005, and were strictly limited to the assistance in the negotiations with the landlord and other service providers and the layoff process of personnel in Curacao.
I am not aware of any no pay related to Royal Sports. I am aware of some slow pays surfacing every now and then. These slow pays concern wise and sharp action in most cases. Obviously, there is no excuse to slow pay any player, hence The Offshore Wire's Royal Sports rating ( 6 ).
To the best of my knowledge, and with the sole exception of the period late December '03 - January '04, it is my understanding that Royal Sports' average payout delay has remained within the terms existing in 2001 / 2002, when Royal Sports was universally praised and recognized as a Top Ten Sports book.
Lastly I would like to add that current ownership, in charge since August 2nd 2003 of Royal Sports' ongoing concerns, has fully honored the sale and purchase agreements and has invested relevant amounts to support the book's activities and growth throughout the last 18 months. While I am puzzled about some of their marketing techniques and firmly believe they should be more cooperative and straight forward with their agents and promoters, I see no logical reason for them to jeopardize their huge financial investments at this time nor any time soon.
Post Edited (TOW) : 4/2/2005 11:13:33 AM (GMT-5)

Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 1:56 PM |
Royal Sports founder Chester Hunter's comments on the latest events.
OK, again it seems to be Bash Royal time (again)… amazing. Is it that selfish, greedy, self righteous people (who are actually simply motivated by fear because their fragile, illusory world is continuously threatened) will go to any lengths to retain market share and/or steer business? I guess… all is fair in the business world, huh? When its “them” doing it to “us” the them are “evil liars, etc.” “When we sorta fade the truth, well, we are the good guys and people would understand if they knew what we are up against.”
But what is the core of this mentality which is likely shared by both sides? “We have the right to this… they don’t.”
What’s equally amazing is how naïve it is to believe that a fair business world, a world in which free market practices would in fact determine who prospers… even who survives, is the actual playing field shared in this industry. Shame we should want the product to be the reason a book or Royal for that matter succeeds. Especially when I’m competing. It’s far easier to lean on cronyism. How terrible it would be to expose people who are limited in what they could do… in the role they can play. But this is what seems to be the core of the western segment of this biz… it’s not what you do or how you do it… its who you know and how you stroke them and visa versa. Few exceptions, Pinny, etc… but the rest, it’s just “us” and “we” intend to keep it that way.
Royal… So the old crew is gone and new players have hit the scene. It’s just amazing to sit back and watch… watching people use slander instead of refining their competitiveness. Guys, move on. We made some mistakes… those can be overcome. What would be a fatal mistake is that we didn’t learn. We have to move on. It’s obvious the same old sentiment is alive, well and kicking. Shill and agenda’d posts, when benefiting the “us” are just fine… yet when someone outside the us ever raises some truth, its war all over again. Move on.
What’s really going on here?
Is the truth maybe that all we were capable of doing is protecting our crony connections (our bread and butter) instead of having a truly competitive product? A product that evolves and remains competitive? A business… not a gang. That’s the truth I see. But what do I know anyway? But maybe I can say it because I was one of the gang who wanted to succeed based on merit, not who I happen to know or be in bed with. I am certain comments like this are viewed as traitorous. But what is the definition of friend? To agree when the agreement sings the commonly accepted mantra? Or is a friend someone who says what they truly believe. I prefer friends who are in the latter group even if we agree to disagree.
As far as I can tell, Royal is not acting any worse than it did when it eeked through the summer of 1998, when it started to fall apart when I did…, and if anything, at least it has what appears to be actual business principles behind it (finally without inner war). Something that was avoided by management when I was around based on logic like, “well, its our thing, man and, well, as long as you treat the right people the right way it should all be ok and most certainly should remain our thing.” Just covers for our own inadequacies and our own shortcomings.

Posted By : slab - 4/2/2005 3:36 PM |
Royal is getting bashed on some of the other forums simply because they refuse to answer one simple question.
Does Tej have equity in Royal?
It's not a hard question and they know the answer.

Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 3:46 PM |
Let me ask you this you know the names of Pinnacle shareholders ? Or CRIS ? Or Playthescore ? Royal's ownership has not been a secret to people "in the know", yet, all of the sudden, the mudslide begins. Is this guy a Nun ? Hell no. But trust me when I say he is in good company......a few names come to my mind, actually more than a few. And I say this thinking about sportsbooks that have a much higher rating than Royal does on The Offshore Wire.
I therefore believe that judgement should be based on current factual elements. Royal pays, not the fastest book for payouts, but pays.
Please don't read this as an endorsement, because its not. I rate Royal 6, and it is not a mystery that I advise players to play with books rated 8 or higher. But objectivity is required from time to time, and this is one of those times. |

Posted By : slab - 4/2/2005 3:55 PM |
I personally like Royal. I got banned from Rx about a year and a half ago for taking their side in a dispute between Royal and poster InuitionBet. It got real ugly and Royal ASKED to have their banners taken down. But nontheless it is true that Royal is being bashed for staying silent about their involvement with Tej. |

Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 4:02 PM |
Let me put it this way : as long as the book remains in good standing and pays they should have no problem in disclosing the name of their owner IMHO, cause as I said facts are more important than gossip, and players report receiving their payouts.
I also believe that the theory of the so called "ponzi scheme" doesn't apply to the fact that Royal is paying, since I honestly believe their current payouts exceed by far their current deposits.
Yet it is their prerogative to decide if to officially disclose or not disclose the name of their owner. |

Posted By : slab - 4/2/2005 4:08 PM |
I'm not arguing or saying what is right or wrong. I'm just saying that it is true that they are getting bashed in the forums for staying silent about their relationship with Tej. That's all. |

Posted By : slab - 4/2/2005 4:15 PM |
TOW said...
Yet it is their prerogative to decide if to officially disclose or not disclose the name of their owner.
I totally disagree with this. If the owner of abook is a scam artist then I would say players have a right to know.

Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 4:20 PM |
slab, allow me to say this : if I had been at the helm of Royal today I would have had no problem whatsoever in disclosing the name of the owners. I am not, and despite not agreeing with their decision to dodge the question, I shall say that they have the prerogative of doing so. Bottomline I agree with you on the disclosure, I may object on the "titles". |

Posted By : sheva - 4/2/2005 4:43 PM |
TOW wrote: do you know the names of Pinnacle shareholders ? Or CRIS ? Or Playthescore ?
Why compare playthescore to pinny and cris? You probably just came up with three sportsbook without really thinking - I just find it funny that you name PTS along with Pinny and Cris thats all... |

Posted By : TOW - 4/2/2005 4:46 PM |
sheva, I didn't mean to compare the three, just came up with three names. The list could be endless.... |

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/2/2005 5:58 PM |
Well this is all a huge PR nightmare for Royal. They should just have answered the questions out front right at the start, instead of all these secret calls and manipulations...makes it look like they have something to hide.
Regarding if they are owned by a "known scam artist" or not, I think the real question people want answered is whether he can walk away with player's postup. I don't think most care if he has a financial interest in the book, but is he making management decisions, or call he pull out funding? Would he be able to screw players if he wanted to?
If Royal had post-up money escrowed this would be a non-issue. Sure some would not play with them on principal due to association with Tej. However, the majority of people are just worried about the safety of their money.
On ownership issue, sure there are other books owned by people with bad histories. This is not exactly a clean-collared profession. BUt it is the job of the "watchdogs" to make sure any of those issues are brought out to the open, so that players can be informed and make their own decision.
I have said from the start, if you are playing with Royal, take advantage of the SGA and OGD protection programs to mitigate your risk.

Posted By : Halifax - 4/2/2005 9:41 PM |
slab said...
I got banned from Rx about a year and a half ago for taking their side in a dispute between Royal and poster InuitionBet. It got real ugly and Royal ASKED to have their banners taken down.
Banned for arguing with Intuition Bet ? There must have been more to it than that.
Intuition Bet was about as useless as tits on a bull. There were several people there, including myself, who called him out every chance that we could, and I don't think any of us were ever banned. Hell, I don't even think that McIrish liked him, and he probably would have been the guy doing the banning.

Posted By : TheGuesser - 4/3/2005 12:10 AM |
True we don't know the backgrounds of Sportsbook owners. But we do know the names of some prior sportsbook stiffs like Charlie Therwanger, Mark Del, Eddie Hadeed, Monty from Caribi, etc. If it was learned any of these stiffs were involved in a responsible financial position with any Book, even CRIS, Pinnacle, WSEX, etc, the blasts would be equally as loud as Royal's with Tej. |

Posted By : slab - 4/3/2005 1:26 AM |
Halifax said...
slab said...
I got banned from Rx about a year and a half ago for taking their side in a dispute between Royal and poster InuitionBet. It got real ugly and Royal ASKED to have their banners taken down.
Banned for arguing with Intuition Bet ? There must have been more to it than that.
There wasn't much more to it than that. I did say some smartass carcastic shit that they didn't like. They need to chill out.
People get banned for shit they say in the RR.
People get banned for shit they say in other forums.

Posted By : TOW - 4/3/2005 9:09 AM |
I got banned while being an advertiser there. No biggie. Things may happen in life. Although I can understand that sometimes banning may become a need, specially when posters become disrespectful with others.
My aim is to have towforum a place where posters may comment on issues without having to fight with others because of their opinions. This doesn't mean I want people to make vanilla posts, rather to always think before they type and avoid hurting others feelings.
I believe posters are a great source of information for all other players because of their direct experience with sportsbooks. And this what drunkguy and I are committed to build here : a place where players may share their info in a friendly environment. |

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/3/2005 2:09 PM |
i'll say it again. only this time i will say it over here.
if your going to play with royal right now. use the SGA program and at least get your funds insured. |

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/4/2005 2:59 AM |
From the TOW news wire April 3:
TOW is closely monitoring the unfolding of Royal Sports situation. We are awaiting reports from players who have been promised their tracking numbers for tomorrow, Monday April 4th 2005. To Royal credit some players have been offered alternative payout methods such as person to person. However such option is limited to $ 1,200.00 per day and fees are fully charged to players. |

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/4/2005 2:09 PM |
4/4/2005 BREAKING NEWS : Royal Sports update |
TOW has been approached by one of the most prominent and trusted offshore bookmakers ready to step to the plate of troubled Royal Sports. This individual is willing to immediately initiate a due diligence on the state of Royal Sports and eventually make a proposal to current ownership. TOW believes this bookmaker’s action is the most generous attempt to save players funds in the history of the offshore industry. |

Posted By : slash - 4/4/2005 3:16 PM |
By making such an announcement, Roberto also says that Royal Sports in on the verge of bankruptcy. If that's the case, how come it hasn't been mentioned? |

Posted By : sheva - 4/4/2005 3:22 PM |
"The most generous attempt to save players funds in the history of the offshore industry"
Were we not "only" talking some minor slow pays? |

Posted By : TOW - 4/4/2005 3:23 PM |
There is no rationality in Royal's behaviors in these hours. They have funds, yet seem reluctant to do what any other honorable book would : pay the players. |

Posted By : sheva - 4/4/2005 3:27 PM |
This is by far the most troubled book during the last two years (that is still operating!) Amasing what they have done in the past (both positive and negative) and now this - truely amasing! Glad I don´t have money there (although it was close the other day when they call and offered me 25% no limit and a 3 times roll over!)
Can´t wait to see what will happen next! |

Posted By : raiders72001 - 4/10/2005 5:03 PM |
Agree with the posts by Cheva and Slash about Royal. I have no idea what will happen with them. The only thing that bothers me, which posters have alluded to , is the way Royal avoids answering questions that they do not like. They have a presence on the forums yet are very selective in what they and what they will not answer. Either ignore all questions or respond to questions asked respectively.
On Roberto's post
My aim is to have towforum a place where posters may comment on issues without having to fight with others because of their opinions. This doesn't mean I want people to make vanilla posts, rather to always think before they type and avoid hurting others feelings. said...
(replace this text with what was said)
I like this post and believe it's agreat idea by TOW. I know that TOW does not care what other sites do, but I would like to make this comparison. Some sites started off with great posters but then became a breading ground for scammers. When you have no respect for a site the posts become a joke. Disagreement is great and leads to productivity. I have already had posters disagree with my posts here but have taken none of this personally. I like the approach that TOW has taken.

Posted By : Oldfriend - 4/11/2005 1:15 AM |
I see no reason why Royal would like to comment on all the trash in forums..Infact that is all it is..TRASH!@ Sportsbook like Royal must learn that forums are no damn good for sportsbooks..You can have 1500 positive players playing at a sportsbook and some clown comes in and starts trashing about the book and damn..FORUMS ARE NO DAMN GOOD! Nothing comes good by sportsbooks posting in forums regardless....
all we need is bonus!

Posted By : TOW - 4/11/2005 10:04 AM |
I don't necessarily agree but respect your theory of "sweating the payout, not the game". Having said that I must say that what has recently surfaced about Royal is not classifiable as trash. When you have players on payment plans is not trash. When you disrespect employees is not trash ( you most adored saleswoman, now back in Curacao ) is still waiting for the last portion of her salary, when agents are being disrespected and owed 6 figures is not trash. However I do agree with you that Royal has made the mistake to overexpose themselves by aggressively marketing forum crowds. |

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/11/2005 10:31 PM |
Seems as if people are being paid very rapidly right now
same day Netellers for a few dimes does not seem to be a problem |

Posted By : TOW - 4/11/2005 11:36 PM |
I'm always glad to read of players getting paid. |