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Posted By : TOW - 4/13/2005 10:20 AM
What if the U.S. Legislator would make a 180 degree turnaround on the gambling issue and open its doors to onshore business ? Would you be likely to play onshore ? Would offshores suffer from this move ?

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/13/2005 12:51 PM
it would change my mind at all. but, lets say it did happen though i can only imagine the tax dollars generated for the U.S. because, we all know if this did happen in the U.S. would find a way to really monitor and tax it accordingly

a good capper is only as good as his info.

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/13/2005 1:11 PM
taxes would be a big consideration. No way a US company would be able to hang -105 or a dimeline, let alone comeptitive prices on props, etc

Competition would be too cutthroat to keep profit margins high, but with the govt taking a slice, would also suck away value from the player side

However, I think it would seriously dent offshores, in that recreational players will prefer to play with "safe" corporate books in the US

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/13/2005 5:16 PM
drunkguy said...
 recreational players will prefer to play with "safe" corporate books in the US
recreational hell, i'd feel much safer to play there myself.

a good capper is only as good as his info.

Posted By : RedSox - 4/13/2005 8:44 PM

No matter what happens, their will always be a group of players that will keep on playing offshore. Playing with a book in the U.S means paying taxes on winnings and full disclosure. Some small recreational players would switch and play it "safe" but big players will definitely stay offshore

Posted By : Dante - 4/13/2005 9:59 PM
bigboydan said...
drunkguy said...
 recreational players will prefer to play with "safe" corporate books in the US
recreational hell, i'd feel much safer to play there myself.

I agree....I would play with US based books....heck Id even pay 1$ per bet extra if the Gov taxed it 

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/13/2005 11:07 PM
Dante said...
bigboydan said...
drunkguy said...
 recreational players will prefer to play with "safe" corporate books in the US
recreational hell, i'd feel much safer to play there myself.

I agree....I would play with US based books....heck Id even pay 1$ per bet extra if the Gov taxed it 
a $1.00 per bet dante. what about the recreational bettors who maybe only bet $10.00 per game that wouldn't be fair. but, i do agree there should be a % scale of some kind maybe like a 3rd of a cent.

a good capper is only as good as his info.

Posted By : drunkguy - 4/14/2005 12:13 PM
RedSox, I agree with you and that is the problem.  The sharper players will stay offshore because they will be getting better lines and not worry about regulatory issues inside the US
The recreational players will likely move into US jurisdiction at "Trump Online Sportsbook" or whatever is liscensed.
Offshore will be forced to handle the sharp action and lower profits. 
Onshore will get the juicy recreational accounts but will be taxed, so their profits will be lower than they should be.  Only one that benefits is the US Treasury

Posted By : raiders72001 - 4/14/2005 2:30 PM
Depends on taxes, amount of money you play for and lines imo.

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/14/2005 7:54 PM
drunkguy said...
RedSox, I agree with you and that is the problem.  The sharper players will stay offshore because they will be getting better lines and not worry about regulatory issues inside the US
i disagree, if the US regulated this i feel the competition would be just about as good or the same as far as odds go.

a good capper is only as good as his info.

Posted By : VisorMan - 4/15/2005 8:56 PM
I have a feeling it is going to be legalized soon since rhode island would love to legalize sports betting! freaked

Posted By : bigboydan - 4/16/2005 12:56 AM
ya, i did read about that might happen in RI. but, i remember them also saying that about DE. too and, it never happend.

a good capper is only as good as his info.

Posted By : Concorde - 4/16/2005 2:50 AM
It all depends on who will be the next pope.