Slow season is typically the time when ratings sites have more time to reorganize and update their information. One of the routine tasks is to check validity of domain names, their ownership and other information related to any specific url.
While busy with this specific task we’ve come across an interesting finding. is currently operated by SBG Global, a company with a consolidated track record of slowpays, no pays and theft from players accounts.
While digging information on this domain we’ve come across the fact that was purchased on August 31st 2002 by Olympic Sports. and all other assets of Intercapital Global Fund Ltd, a subsidiary of Total Entertainment, where purchased by Olympic Sports, as reported by the press release posted on PRWEB on September 2nd 2002.
“MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica (August 31, 2002) - Olympic Sports Book acquired the assets of, previously operated by Intercapital Global Fund, Ltd, a subsidiary of Total Entertainment.
“We intend to make the transfer process as easy as possible for customers,” said Spiros Athanas, owner of Olympic Sports Data Services, Ltd.
There has been significant speculation in the industry of the acquisition, as forum operators and players alike traded rumors over the last several weeks of the pending deal. Olympic management remained silent about the transaction until the deal was finalized today.” Courtesy of PRWEB.
Matter of fact we found rather interesting that a domain name lawfully purchased by Olympic is now operated by SBG Global.
While Olympic has not been available to comment at this time, our sources within the industry report that the former owner of maintained control over the domain name up until full payment of the deal, and then snapped it and re-sold the url to SBG Global. Others report that the individual still maintains control over the url and has “leased” it to SBG.
The Offshore Wire has opened an investigation over this alleged case of cyber theft and will further report on the subject.
However this was not the only interesting finding during our recent search.
BetCSI, a well known deposit only operation, also reserved a surprise. Their url, , redirects to……SportsBookReview !
SBR denied having purchased this url, while BetCSI’s management is nowhere to be found.