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Viewing user profile for : Bill Dozer
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Profile Created : 8/22/2005 1:58 AM
Last Seen : 11/15/2005 12:42 PM
Total Posts : 15
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Last 5 Posts
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  My word matters more than anything else - 777rock gm talks to TOW
I'm not commenting until I speak with Scott.
Offshore Sportbooks Bill Dozer
11/14/2005 1:10 AM
  My word matters more than anything else - 777rock gm talks to TOW
777 handled its business and that's great but Dimebetting accounts were 777's responsibility starting 2-3 mos earlier and that is the bottom line. I want to verify these quotes are accurate before I...
Offshore Sportbooks Bill Dozer
11/14/2005 12:23 AM
  Dimebetting CEO John Vega runs away with players money
Dimebetting's CEO?? From computer programmer and website developer to CEO. If anyone gets in contact with John, ask him if I can borrow whatever self-help tapes he got his hands on!
Offshore Sportbooks Bill Dozer
11/14/2005 12:18 AM
  Dimebetting CEO John Vega runs away with players money
Bert, It says "John Vega tells SBR", so unless you were on the phone and heard it differently, I'm not sure what you are referring to. The two important facts here are that 777 agreed to take the...
Offshore Sportbooks Bill Dozer
11/12/2005 8:34 PM

RPM, friendly reminder
I believe you have a signature adjustment to make. I would have bumped your challenge thread but cant seem to find it. Almost as it... it was deleted. :p

Offshore Sportbooks

Bill Dozer
10/31/2005 4:17 PM